Comprehensive editing is a multi–staged editing project. It is a mix of two or more editing styles, which also entails at least two separate rounds of editing. A comprehensive edit may include a structural edit, a line edit and a proofread. Your editor will send the manuscript back to you between each stage for approval and corrections.

In a project like this we are able to look after your project from start to finish. This can include the benefit of your editor’s input during design and publishing of your manuscript. If this kind of involvement is what you need, please ask us about our managing editor fees.

The best way to decide if you need comprehensive editing is to undertake a manuscript assessment. Comprehensive editing produces the highest quality outcomes, but also comes at a higher cost. The benefit of mulitple rounds of editing cannot be overstated. If you want your book to get as high as 99.95% accurate, you will need 4 or more rounds of line editing or proofreading.

Even then, we will be honest with you, 99.95% accuracy in a 100,000 word manuscript means there could still be as many as 50 errors remaining. We cannot guarantee to remove all errors, no matter how many rounds you go for. In traditional publishing, usually at least six rounds of editing are done. Even then, just about every regular-sized novel I pick up has at least ten errors in it.

Quoting your editing project

Every book and document is different. What this means is that no project can be quoted the same. We need to see your manuscript to be able to provide a quote. We charge general rates for projects under 30,000 words, but we like to do a sample edit on anything larger to more accurately gauge the edit required.

We can do manuscript formatting, but please read more about what this means on our new website,

Please contact us for more information

What’s a sample edit?

A sample edit is a FREE 15-30 minute EDIT on your manuscript (for documents over 30,000 words). We will assign an editor to your book, who will read and/or line edit it for a short time. During this time, your editor will work out the kind of editing you need.

Keep in mind we cannot judge plot or structure at this point. Based on this sample edit we can provide you with an estimate of how much your project will cost, and how long it will take. You will be given the sample edit back, providing you with the chance to decide if we are right for you.

Contact me to discuss your needs