Ghost writing is an artform that takes your ideas, interviews, diary, notes and personality from any format and turns it into a book that is ready for publishing. Some of the heaviest edits our editors have worked on were on the borderline between editing and ghost writing. Like all types of editing, there is a scale of work involved in ghost writing, and project timeframe and costs increase accordingly.

The beauty of ghost writing is that your name will be on the book, however you will not have to write it. Or at least you will not have to write it well or write it completely. We will take care of that for you using information you provide via any of the following:

  • Draft manuscript
  • Notes
  • Face-to-face or phone interviews
  • Skype, Facetime or other internet video interviews
  • Email and SMS
If you want a book that is written with the target audience in mind, crafted by a professional writer and edited by a second and a third person, Australian eBook Publisher has the ghostwriting team for you. Because of the involved and intimate nature of ghost-writing, all jobs are subject to approval.

Types of jobs we are likely to accept:
  • Biography ghost writer
  • Self-help book ghost writer
  • Professional book ghost writer
  • Children’s fiction book ghost writer
  • Health and wellbeing book ghost writer
  • Cookbook ghost writer
Types of books we are not likely to be able to ghost write:
  • Academic
  • Long form fiction
  • Pagan, witchcraft, tarot
  • Memoir
  • Technical—engineering, IT, robotics
  • Sports
All other topic submissions are welcome, and we will approach these on a case-by-case basis, to see if we are the right team for you, and you are the right client for us.

To make a submission please contact us.

Contact me to discuss your needs