Full Manuscript Assessment

Mini Manuscript Assessment

Will look at

Whole book

Up to 20 pages or first chapter (depending on length)

Will provide commentary on:

  • Structure (is the information in the right order, are any chapters or sections unnecessary or off-topic, length of chapters and sections)
  • Pace (speed of action, patterns of tension and plot/character development, appropriate level of teaching and/or depth, at each stage of the book for the target market)

  • Language and wording (does it make sense and read well?)
  • Accuracy (punctuation, spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc.)
  • Cohesion (information flow)
  • Interesting and engaging (would it appeal to the target audience?)
  • sales potential (from an editor's point of view).
  • What to do next
  • A few points on accuracy (punctuation, spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc.)
  • Whether the manuscript needs and is ready for a full manuscript assessment or editing
  • What you should do from here


Recommended for:

Authors committed to producing their finest work

Authors looking for somewhere to start, guidance they can build upon themselves, budget requirements, boost to confidence


$440 inc GST for up to 40,000 words
$550 inc GST for up to 100,000 words
$825 inc GST for up to 150,000 words

$132 inc GST


<40K: 1 month
<100K: 1-2 months

1-2 weeks

With a manuscript assessment as a starting point you can choose what to do next. For example, you might choose to implement some of our suggestions and redraft the manuscript, or you might like us to take the next step and provide a line edit or a comprehensive edit (more details here). Some manuscripts don't need a manuscript assessment; instead you may choose to jump straight into editing.

A manuscript assessment differs from all types of editing in that it is a summary only. Editing is more detailed and specific, giving you exact instructions on what to do with each section, paragraph, sentence or even word.

What a great attitude!
Here's some feedback received by our manuscript assessors that demonstrates the positive attitude of the authors. This is the kind of attitude we hope our authors will take after receiving their manuscript assessment back. Although some of our feedback is constructive criticism, we are trying to help authors make their writing better.

"Thank you so much for all your time and effort; I really appreciate it. I have taken onboard all your observations and advise and agree with pretty much everything you have said. I have been trying to come with ways to address all the issues raised. If I approach it in the right way I believe I can do it. (It may even be fun)

"So, I will work out what stays, what changes and what goes. If I can come up with a plot re-work that excites and motivates me, I believe that will create the momentum I'll need to get the job done."—Kerry L Stratton

Thank you very much for assessing the manuscript for my novel Guinny, My Love. I appreciate your incisive remarks and prompt service. I found your comments very helpful, and am currently reworking the ms, using them as a guide. —George Mallory

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