If your document or manuscript is ready for proofreading, it means that this is your final draft. We will read it in Microsoft Word with Tracked Changes turned on. We will correct or comment on any spelling, punctuation or grammar errors that we find.

Our eagle-eyed editors will correct and/or comment on the following kinds of problems in your manuscript:

  • Consistency with spacing
  • Double spaces after a full stop (will be changed to single)
  • Consistency with spelling (including the names of people and places)
  • Capital letters being used for things other than proper nouns.
  • Consistency with dialogue punctuation (either single quote marks OR double)
  • Consistent use of language
  • Punctuation
  • Incorrect spelling and typos
  • Multiple character dialogue on a single line (each new character should start speech on a new line)
  • Awkward sentence structure (this will be flagged, not fixed)
  • Awkward alliteration
  • Repetition of phrases
  • Unusual formatting (italics in odd places, etc.)
Our proofreaders are experienced and degree-qualified editors and will pick up on all kinds of things during a proofread. The above list is not exhaustive. If you have any specific requests for errors to look out for, please let us know when your job starts up.

Sometimes during a proofread an editor will identify more fundamental, structural or ongoing problems with a manuscript that would require a line edit or ghost write rather than proofreading. In other words, the writing problems identified would take more time and/or skill to deal with. While proofreading is meant to be done on a well-written and/or highly polished manuscript, it can be done on just about any manuscript. It will not usually involve rewriting sentences, delving into semantics (meaning), or considering big picture structural matters like theme and genre. Proofreading is more about the fine, surface, details of spelling, grammar and punctuation. If you would like more information please see our chart about the different kinds of editing here.

As with all forms of editing, more than one round is recommended if you want your work to be as close to 100% error-free as possible.

Unless you tell us otherwise, we will automatically assume your text is Australian English, and will adjust grammar and spelling to suit.

How we work

Our editors will use tracked changes during the proofread of your document—in Microsoft Word. We are also able to proofread directly on a PDF; however, this is not always suitable to the document.

If you are also considering book design with Australian eBook Publisher, we will apply basic formatting and styles to your manuscript to make it easier for our designer to create your book layout. This will include deleting multiple paragraph breaks, making sure every chapter starts on a new page, and making sure font styles are consistent throughout.

If your editor has queries about your book they will contact you directly. However, any small questions will be included in comments throughout your manuscript.

Contact me to discuss your needs